About ThinkFirst Northern Nevada
Each year, an estimated 1.7 million persons in the United States sustain a brain injury, and 12,000 – 20,000 sustain a spinal cord injury.
In fact, injury is the leading cause of death among children and teens.
The most frequent causes of these injuries are motor vehicle crashes, violence, falls, sports and recreation. The good news is that most injuries are preventable! The ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation’s award-winning, evidence-based programs are aimed at helping people learn to reduce their risk for injury.
ThinkFirst programs educate young people about their personal vulnerability and the importance of making safe choices.
The message is: You can have a fun-filled, exciting life, without hurting yourself if you “ThinkFirst.” Buckle up. Drive safe and sober. Avoid violent situations. Lower your risk to fall. Wear a helmet. Check the water before you dive. Use your mind to protect your body!
ThinkFirst Northern Nevada was founded in 2011 and is a chapter of the ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation which began in 1986. We are a 501(c)(3) non-for profit charity. Donations are tax deductible. The network of ThinkFirst Chapters provides powerful, thought-provoking, upbeat programs to students of all ages. “Street Smart,” the Safety Superhero, delights young children, while teens relate to our VIP speakers – Voices For Injury Prevention – who share how a traumatic injury needlessly changed their life. Each year ThinkFirst chapters provide thousands of educational presentations to schools, businesses, organizations, conferences, and community events.
Visit our website often to learn about ThinkFirst events, scheduling school programs and ordering educational products. We also invite you to be a “partner in prevention” by supporting ThinkFirst events and contributing through honorary or memorial donations.
Working together, we can play a significant role in helping kids learn to “ThinkFirst!”
Mission Statement
To educate our community in the area of brain and spinal cord injury awareness and prevention.
Our Vision
We aim to get into the head of every kid to decrease trauma admissions.
Our priorities are to serve the following:
- Beneficiaries: Children, teens, adults, families and communities
- Advocates: ThinkFirst Network – Chapter Directors, Schools, VIPs, Physicians and Health Care Professionals
- Sponsors: Hospitals, Medical Associations, Government Organizations, and Corporations
As Leaders of ThinkFirst our passion for injury prevention will guide our actions in the following ways.
We must:
- Provide programs that are of the highest impact and quality
- Ensure programs are scientifically validated as effective
- Act socially responsible
- Lead by example in our actions
- Value innovative and trusted leadership
- Respect the resources provided by our sponsors
- By using funds wisely to meet the needs of today and tomorrow
- By being transparent in our financial reporting
ThinkFirst Northern Nevada is a 501(c)(3) non-for profit charity. Donations are tax deductible.
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Facts
Each year an estimated 500,000 persons sustain permanent brain and spinal cord injuries in the United States.
Correct use of an approved helmet is the best way to protect your head and brain from sports related injuries.
Approximately half of patients with a severe head injury will need surgery to remove or repair brain bleeding or bruising.